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The office of "The Pearce Law Firm, P.C." is located at 1429 Walnut Street, 14th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102; Contact Us (215) 557-8686. The Pearce Law Firm specializes in personal injury and empl...
The office of "The Pearce Law Firm, P.C." is located at 1429 Walnut Street, 14th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102; Contact Us (215) 557-8686.

The Pearce Law Firm specializes in personal injury and employment law and believes in "working toward settlement while aggressively preparing for trial." Edith Pearce has a competitive advantage in settling cases and maximizing recovery for her clients. Ms. Pearce began her legal career working for almost ten years as a trial lawyer for an insurance company and then a defense law firm, giving her inside knowledge on insurance practices and trial defenses.
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